New/Discontinuing Members
Forms regarding new service for owners must be filled out completely and the copy with the original signature must be mailed to our office.
- General Information 2020
- Owner’s Application for Service 2020
- Emergency Conservation Plan
- Customer Update Information
- Membership Discontinuance Form
- Meter Test Request Form
- Meter Testing Policy
- Meter Pricing
- Deferred Payment Agreement (Call Office for Assistance)
Builders should call or e-mail the General Manager with any questions related to construction, platting, and the approval process. Making contact early in the planning process is strongly recommended.
- Forms regarding new service for renters must be filled out completely and the copy with the original signature must be mailed to our office. Landlords must fill out the Billing Authorization form and return the original signed copy to the office.
- CTWSC Gen Info 2019 rates
- Landlord’s Billing Authorization Form
- Renter’s Application for Service 2020
- Renter’s Discontinuance
- Deferred Payment Agreement (Call Office for Assistance)
- Catastrophic Water Loss Policy (Call Office for Assistance)