Consumer Information
The Cross Timbers Water Supply Corporation began operation in 1965 with 139 connections as a Non-Profit Corporation established to serve as a public entity to provide a central water system. You may read about the history of the Corporation under the Home tab.
We publish the results of our water analysis program in a yearly Consumer Confidence Report. The water supply is operated in strict accordance with the Texas Commission on Environmental Qualty (TCEQ). Inspections are conducted annually by the TCEQ. The system is maintained and operated by TCEQ licensed operators and water samples are collected monthly for bacteriological analysis. A chemical analysis is conducted every 3 years by the TCEQ. Other analysis are also performed as requested by the TCEQ. Pumps and stations are monitored offsite for flow rates, emergencies and pressures.
CTWSC’s rates are determined by the Board of Directors at meetings conducted in accordance with Texas Open Meetings and Records Act.
If there are any questions or suggestions, please contact us at one of our many customer service points.