CROSS TIMBERS WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION 2032 East Hickory Hill Road Argyle, Texas 76226 (940) 584-0780 Fax (940) 584-0781 Membership Discontinuance Policy (Non Membership Transfer)
Any membership for service in a Corporation shall only be held by the current property owner of record for the property where the meter with corresponding membership is located. Should such qualifying members at any time decide to cancel/ withdraw their membership in the Corporation, a written request shall be made to the Corporation office. Once received, the Corporation shall, in a timely manner respond in writing, providing the requesting member with all forms necessary for the cancellation process.
Once the completed request forms are returned and approved by the Corporation and any indebtedness due the Corporation by the member is paid, the requesting member shall be entitled to a refund of the membership amount only. The refund shall be limited to the cost of the membership fee as paid by the member at the time of initial activation of service with the Corporation. No other fees are refundable. These non-refundable fees include capital expansion fees, impact fees, expenses of under boring, etc.. Once water service to a property is cancelled and the membership refunded, CTWSC shall remove all Corporation equipment associated with that specific service up to the point of connection on the Corporation's water main.
All refunds are final. If at anytime after cancellation of service, anyone, including a new or previous property owner requests reactivation of service on the same or any property, it shall be considered a new request for service.
Should reactivation of service be requested, the current property owner shall, as part of the reactivation process, pay the Corporation all outstanding reserved service charges. These fees shall be calculated by applying the current monthly reserved service charge from the date of the original granting of discontinuance up to and including the month service is re-establishing. In addition, any other fees/ expenses charged or application(s) required by the Corporation or associated with the reactivation at the time of the request must be paid/ approved prior to new service. In lieu of the above reactivation method, the requesting owner may pay any and all service fees including capital expansion fees, impact fees, road underboring expense, membership fees, etc., in force at the time of the reactivation request or whichever of the two mentioned option amounts is less.
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